Monday, February 25, 2008

The Skills And Abilities Needed For A Construction Job

A career in construction could be perfect for a person who is up for a physical challenge. It is an industry that is looking for people that possess the required hands-on skills. The construction business is considered to be tough, but at the same time it is also a rewarding one. The prospects of growth for a worker in the construction business are very good compared to other career options. It does not matter if you are new to this business or if you are a professional. Most of the construction job seekers are recruited on the construction site itself.

It is the construction worker who is basically responsible for special hospital structures, building shopping malls and many other commercial as well as residential buildings. There are a range of careers that a person can choose from with respect to the construction business. These construction professionals include electricians, carpenters, landscape artists, etc.

. Brick Layers: Brick layers are required to have a hands-on approach while working. Their work may include repairing deformed brick structures, in case of chimneys, walls, etc. Brick layers should be well versed with regards to performing complex calculations and should be thorough with numbers, with a knack for organizing tasks.

. Blasters: As the name indicates, they are responsible for blasting structures with the help of explosives. They are required to have good communication skills and proper planning with respect to placing the explosives in the right place.

. Drillers: They are responsible for creating holes in the construction sites with the use of portable drilling equipment that helps in laying the foundation for the structure. This is a strenuous job that requires a good knowledge of pre-analysis of the area that needs drilling and a knack of problem solving. Drillers have to work in teams. Hence, they have to feel comfortable working with others.

. Heavy Equipments Specialist: Along with portable equipments like drilling machines, the heavy equipment specialist/mechanic is also in charge large machinery like cranes and bulldozers. These mechanics are required to inspect and repair such equipment in case of technical snags. He is responsible for maintaining and correcting all the technical anomalies encountered in the construction workplace. Mechanics are required to have technical skills as well as a good memory with respect to tackling problems with the different equipment.

. Welder: Welding means melting different metal parts and joining them together to make pipes, valves, etc. This job is physically exerting as it involves working in one position for a long time.

The basic skills required for a construction job involves good hand to eye co-ordination. He should also be able to understand the blueprint of the work on hand and should be able to carry out the work plan effectively. The person should also be well versed with geometry, in order to understand the various designs and modules of certain structures. A construction job involves a lot of teamwork in order to construct a perfect structure within the prescribed deadline. There are many colleges that provide programs and conduct workshops that can help you to improve your skills and abilities needed for a construction job.

IT Jobs On The International Market

The average graduate of a UK university is becoming worldlier by the semester. Young students often only have a vague understanding of the world outside of their town or country while those nearing graduation often have travelled or studied abroad to broaden their horizons. In addition to the worldliness of university graduates, there is an increased interest in information technology and the pursuit of jobs related to computing. One reason for this trend is that computers, cell phones, and other technology have become so versatile that young students have to become versatile or run the risk of falling behind their colleagues.

Yet another reason for this trend in IT studies is that there is a large market for IT professionals in the United Kingdom and around the world. Internet networks and Web-enabled solutions have increased the range of possibilities for the average IT graduate in the UK. Instead of being confined to an office or workspace somewhere in the UK, IT graduates can find a job anywhere they desire. The IT jobs available on the international market at present ensure a promising future for the next generation of IT graduates.

Corporations are beginning to decrease the importance of their corporate centres by building satellite offices, distribution buildings, and other peripheral places to get their work done. This effort by corporations is meant not only to increase market penetration on the international scene but to take advantage of the portability of technology. This move by corporations benefits the jet setting IT graduate who is interested not only in living in a foreign place but travelling to other far-off places as part of their job.

In addition, many companies are turning to offsite consultants and independent IT professionals to make their IT department more flexible. Companies not only have a financial incentive by keeping their permanent payroll low but they are able to tie into the increasing number of IT professionals who seek to offer their services to a wide range of companies. In essence, IT contracting is beneficial to the young graduate who wants to keep things fresh and the corporation that wants to benefit from a dynamic IT department.

Finally, international jobs in information technology are becoming easier to find for graduates in the UK. Universities are developing partnerships with international companies in need of IT professionals. Recruiting agencies can find jobs for the right IT graduate anywhere within their service area. The Internet has made searching for and landing the right job easier than ever before. Graduates interested in experiencing far-off places while doing the job that they love should consider international IT jobs.

How To Succeed In Sales Jobs

The average sales person has to deal with a number of interpersonal, supply, and corporate issues in their daily lives. Sales people in every industry need to speak with a diverse group of clients, including corporations and individual consumers. Despite their best efforts, sales people may not always be able to see eye to eye with these groups and have to deal with the issue of losing a client based on personal differences. As well, sales people need to deal with warehouses and production facilities on occasion when a new product or a product in high demand is not available for a customer. Finally, sales people also need to deal with changing corporate policies, competition from other sales people, and the whims of their supervisor in pushing daily quotas.

Due to these numerous stresses, a sales graduate can often find their first few days on the job to be incredibly difficult. It can be tough to adjust to professional life when a company throws a graduate into a situation that is tough for even the most experienced professionals. However, there are a few tools that sales professionals can use early in their career in order to avoid pitfalls and excessive stress.

Sales people who are new to their field need to maintain a strong organizational structure in order to ensure the timely care needed for every client they service. Indeed, maintaining a contact schedule is a necessity for any sales person. This contact schedule keeps track of sales calls, calls to prospective clients, and checkups with returning customers about their latest purchase. As well, sales people need to be able to keep their information straight. A strong filing system and a reliable online archiving system established in conjunction with fellow sales people can increase efficiency.

However, organizational issues do not explain many of the interpersonal stresses a sales person has to deal with. Sales people need to keep updated with information on their company’s direction and their specific product lines. This knowledge breeds confidence in a young sales person because they feel comfortable answering any questions a client may have about a specific product. As well, sales people need to study up on the background of corporate clients in order to land major accounts. A sales graduate who enters a board room and wows purchasing managers with their knowledge of client needs is only a few steps away from acquiring a reliable customer for years to come.

Gaining Experience In Medical Sales Jobs

Medical supply and pharmaceutical companies share a lot of the same criteria in hiring young professionals and graduates for their open positions. These companies require an inquiring mind because there is a lot of information that needs to be assimilated into a simple sales pitch. Medical sales people need to be good at speaking with a diverse group of people and feel comfortable answering questions or speaking on behalf of a company. Finally, the companies in question often look for younger sales professionals who are eager to build a career in one industry and with one company.

However, many of these skills and attributes can only be built through experience. The academic setting is great for students interested in learning the theories and ideas behind sales and business. However, medical supply companies and pharmaceutical firms are looking for sales people with at least some experience in sales or within their field. While graduates may be frustrated by this idea, there are a few simple ways to gain experience without working for decades in the same field.

One of the best ways to break into the medical sales field is to utilize graduate trainee programs. Medical supply companies and other health supply providers often take in a good deal of graduate trainees on an annual basis. These trainees are taught about product lines and corporate policies while they take some time out of their day to shadow experienced sales people. For medical sales aspirants who want to get right to the source of their ideal career, these opportunities are ideal.

However, there are only so many graduate trainee slots to go around. For graduates who are interested in medical sales but cannot break into a trainee system, there are plenty of temporary jobs available. Graduates should look for any field sales position possible, even if it is only remotely related to medical sales. Companies that hire retail sales people, like automotive and telecommunication firms, are plentiful. These experiences can give medical sales aspirants the confidence and the experience to land their ideal position in the near future.

Finally, graduates can turn to recruiting agencies and placement services to find the right position for their level of experience. Young professionals and new graduates who have done at least some project work can find solid entry level positions through recruiting firms. Recruiting agencies also look for inexperienced graduates for temporary or project positions, which are becoming more popular in medical sales to meet the ups and downs of the marketplace.

Finding Work As An IT Specialist

Information technology, or IT, specialists are becoming incredibly important to a prosperous business. IT specialists, after all, oversee specific areas of a company’s computing, software, and networking processes. For example, an IT specialist with a healthcare provider may oversee the maintenance and security of a patient information system that is unique to the particular provider. The importance of these positions means that exceptional graduates with an eye for technology can land these positions and succeed over the long term. However, it can be tough to find these jobs in the UK, as companies are looking for the cream of the crop in the UK graduate professional pool.

Exceptional graduates can enter the IT specialist field by communicating directly with a desired company. Whether it is a major IT firm or a company looking to develop an IT department, IT specialists can learn a lot from company websites. These sites often feature extensive career sites and job listings for interested candidates. The benefit to going directly to the company site to find open jobs is that a graduate can review the company’s goals and offerings while they ready their application materials. As well, while many graduates give a cursory view of these sites, many use other sources for their IT specialist job opportunities.

Once a graduate exhausts the list of companies offering IT specialist positions, they should check out online job sites. Online job sites are often contracted out by IT firms or companies hiring IT specialists in order to get the broadest collection of applications possible. After all, IT firms are notorious for thinking “outside of the box” and hiring professionals with creativity and technical savvy. Online job sites, therefore, offer the opportunity for IT specialist aspirants to find a wide range of job listings in one place and submit applications to all of them electronically.

While the aforementioned methods of finding IT specialist jobs are important, IT specialists should look to recruiting firms as a place to market their skills. There are plenty of general job recruiters and specialized firms that can help a talented graduate find their ideal IT specialist job. Experienced recruiters can help an applicant refine their interviewing and application skills while they help them find an array of jobs that fit their ideal professional environment. Overall, an IT specialist aspirant should use all of these methods in order to get a complete view of the profession and find the best job possible.

A Relocation Guide Is Like A Miracle Worker

While planning for your move a relocation guide will help in finding a new home, and saying goodbye to friends and family. You will also have the task of packing your belongings, getting rid of items you no longer need, and trying to fit your entire home into a moving truck. This can be an exhausting process depending on the amount of stuff you have.

Even though you will be donating, selling, or throwing away clothing, furniture, trash, and other items, the amount you want to take may be staggering. That is why the best time to begin planning for your relocation is six to eight weeks before the move. This will give you enough time to contact movers, find boxes for moving, pack items, hire moving companies and any other task you need to accomplish.

The first rooms you should tackle are the bedrooms, storage rooms, basements and attics because this is where you will find decorative items, unused items, and seasonal items you aren't using at the moment. You can also take all pictures off the walls and other decorative items you have in other rooms of your home when beginning the packing process. As your moving date draws closer, you can begin packing extra linens, towels, and clothing you will not need until after the move.

The last rooms to tackle are bathrooms and the kitchen because you will need the items in these rooms until you leave. Many people wait until moving day to pack these rooms. Making a list of items to be packed will help you keep track of items you need and items you can live without until your move is complete. If you don't want to wait until moving day to pack the kitchen and bathrooms, you can pack extra plates, glasses, utensils, small appliances, and other items you won't need for a week or so. Keep a few dishes, glasses, and utensils out and pack those last so you can still prepare meals comfortably. The same applies for items in the bathroom.

In addition to moving your stuff, you will also have to make plans to transport your car. Depending on the distance, you can either drive or have it transported through relocation services. When getting your car ready to be transported, you should take photographs of the car from different angles, call your insurance agent to let them know the car is being transported, find out the drop-off location, remove all personal items from the car and keep all automotive records handy in case you need them.

Once your car has been transported to its new location, you may need to pick it up or arrange to have it dropped off at your home. Before you will be allowed to take the car, it will have to be inspected again by you and the transportation representative to make sure that it is in the same condition it was in before it was moved. You will have to sign an agreement before taking the car so you can't claim damages later on.

Depending on the reasons for relocating, relocation may be seen as a positive or a negative process. Making this process as easy as possible is one of the best ways to start a new life in a strange place. As you know, there are different types of relocation. Each one costs a different amount of money and may require different types of equipment and time in order to complete them.

The key to a stress free move is to start as early as possible and have a good plan. Even if you have a month before your move, you can break up moving tasks and set deadlines for each of them. Waiting until the last minute to hire a moving company or rent a moving truck may cause unnecessary stress. Pace yourself and stick to your plan. Eventually you will accomplish everything mentioned in this relocation guide.

Police, Corrections, or Security: The Best Law-Enforcement Career for You

When looking into positions in law enforcement and security, you will probably find that there are more options out there than you believed. Some of these career options require less training or more, of course, or have higher or lower pay rates, and they all have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here, you'll find an overview of three law enforcement-related careers: Police Officer, Corrections Officer, and Security Officer.

Police Officer

Of the three law enforcement careers discussed here, working as a Police Officer is generally the most demanding, as it requires extensive training and an ability to deal with tense and life-threatening situations. Unlike in the security and corrections sectors, Police Officers work throughout the city, adding an extra level of risk to the position.

Because of this, the recruitment process for new Police Officers in most U.S. cities is long and extensive. In L.A., for example, the recruitment process involves 12 steps, including background reviews, polygraphs, and psychological, mental, and physical evaluations. After the applications and recruitment process has completed, candidates are generally offered a recruitment training program, which takes place before true recruit training.

Though Police Officers go through the most rigorous examinations and training, there are some definite benefits to this career in comparison with other law enforcement careers. For one, the pay is generally higher. New Police Officers (with 1-4 years on the police force) make a median salary of $38,000. With five years on the force, the median salary rises to $44,000.

Corrections Officer

Nearly as demanding as working as a Police Officer is a career as Corrections officer. Like Police Officers, Corrections Officers must go through a series of tests and examinations to determine if they are fit for that particular career. While not as rigorous as the Police Officer application process, the Corrections Officer application process includes many of the same elements, such as a written examination, a health screening, and a background check.

Though salaries in the Corrections field can go up past $70,000 annually (Supervisors/Managers), most Corrections Officers earn less than a police officer. The median salary for a Corrections Officer or Jailer is $33,600 (2004).

Security Officer

Unlike Police or Corrections Officers, Security Officers or Guards generally work in the private sector for institutions such as banks and casinos, or in the public sector in public buildings, laboratories, etc. The responsibilities of a Security Officer vary greatly, as does the pay rate. A Security Officer's responsibilities range from patrol and inspection of people and property, to theft and fire prevention, to interviewing witnesses.

Unfortunately, as work as a Security Officer requires less training than other law enforcement careers, the pay is also lower. Security Officers earn a median salary of $22,900 annually. However, for those working in the private sector as Personal Security Specialists, that amount can go up to $36,000.

How Long Will it Take to Get My Pharmacy Tech Certification?

As most people know, a health care related career is some of the most important work a person can do. Whether a doctor, a nurse, or a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, health care workers strive to keep people healthy. And what could be more important than that?

For those looking into a health care career, the position of Pharmacy Technician may appeal to you. Depending on the workplace, a Pharmacy Technician has a variety of duties and responsibilities, from counting out pills to corresponding with customers, and each duty is important. Even routine tasks, such as labeling bottles, can be of life-or-death importance-- as, of course, it's imperative that patients are given the correct medications in the correct doses.

The hourly earnings of a Pharmacy Technician also vary from workplace to workplace. Pharmacy Techs who earn the most generally work in hospitals, where they earn an average of $13 hourly. The lowest-earning Pharmacy Technicians work in health or personal care stores, with about a $10.50 hourly wage. Obviously, where you choose to work as a Pharmacy Technician matters. And because hospitals and other highly specialized locations pay best, they also look for the best Technicians-- that is, Pharmacy Techs with certification.

Training to Be a Pharmacy Technician

While some smaller drug stores, etc., simply provide on-the-job training to untrained Pharmacy Technicians, most higher-paying locations look for Pharmacy Technicians with formal training and certification. To obtain this, most aspiring Pharmacy Techs attend online or classroom training courses. When choosing a Pharmacy Tech course, there are several things to keep in mind, such as length of course, depth of subject matter, and quality of the course (accreditation).

How Long Will it Take?

Most Pharmacy Technician training courses run from about six months to a year, depending on the course. In that time, you will learn the skills required to operate a pharmacy, follow correct pharmaceutical procedures, provide the correct drug dosages, and assist the pharmacist in administrative tasks. This course also helps to prepare you for your PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) exam or ExCPT (Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians).

While there are very few current federal and state laws governing the need for Pharmacy Tech certification, having a PTCB or ExCPT certification is becoming the standard. Passing one or more of these examinations is of key importance.

What if I Need to Finish Faster?

If you don't have the six months to a year it takes to complete a Pharmacy Tech training course, there are several options available. As the certification is more important to potential employers than the formal training, you can choose to focus your time on studying for the test. You can do this either by studying the test materials, or taking one of the variety of short "crash course" cramming sessions offered by some schools. Most of these courses are from a few hours to several days, and are designed to give you all the information you need to pass you PTCB or ExCPT exams.

Can You Really Afford To Write Your Resume?

Why would someone pay a professional resume writer to write their resume when they have a computer, can use resume templates, and can find resume samples online and in books to get ideas on setting up and composing their own resume?

The answer lies in what type of position they are targeting and their level of resume writing skills. Whether basic or complex, a resume must be attractive, focused, and interesting to read. Failing to achieve these objectives means failing to make a good first impression. Many things need to be taken into consideration in order to accomplish these goals. Here are five things to consider:

1. You must understand the technical aspects of resume development. This includes resume design (what fonts to use and spacing), use of industry specific key words, career synopsis and company profiles, appropriate resume style and formats (reverse chronological, functional and combination), and page length.

2. You must have good word processing skills!

3. You must understand what the hiring manager is looking for and what you've done so you can make a match between their needs and your qualifications.

4. You must have grammatically correct, creative writing skills to communicate what you have done in the positions you have held using a reasonable amount of detail.

5. You must avoid wasting the reader's time by listing too much irrelevant information or going back too far if the position does not warrant it.

Some positions such as waitress, car wash attendant, and cashier might not require a resume. If they do, it would be a general resume with a traditional objective statement and chronological listing of jobs held with a sentence or two under each to indicate responsibilities, along with job-specific skills, and education.

In a word: simple. However, sometimes a resume needs to be strategically developed to emphasize the value you offer a company, especially if the position is very competitive and you need to stand out from the rest of the potential candidates.

Often, a job seeker finds himself or herself in a pickle because they have held many different positions over the years and do not know how to keep the resume focused for a particular position. Maybe you are returning to the workplace after raising your children and are concerned the gap will put you at a disadvantage.

Maybe you are just starting out in your career and do not think you have enough to offer a company. Or, maybe you are ready for a career change and do not know how to create a presentation that will position you for a new field.

If you have done your homework (which we believe you have since you are reading this article!), you know that a resume is often referred to as a "marketing tool." No different than a commercial advertisement, your resume needs to entice the reader to buy the product (you) by grabbing their attention, listing the product's benefits (your qualifications), and compel the reader to make a move - in this case, to invite you to an interview.

As you know, time is money. The more time that passes after sending your resume out, the more money you lose if it is not generating responses. If you cannot afford to be out of work for several months, you should make the decision to have your resume professionally prepared. Here is a quick quiz to help you put things into perspective:

Client A: wanted to save money, so she prepared her own resume. She faxed and mailed her resume to over 50 companies over a period of six weeks, but nothing happened. While she kept her fingers crossed, she depleted half of her savings. She eventually landed an interview in the seventh week through someone she knew.

Client B: understood that having her resume professionally developed was a good investment. Without one, she knew she could not launch her career in the right direction. She faxed and mailed her professionally prepared resume out to ten companies over a two-week period. By the end of week two, she landed a great interview that resulted in a fabulous job.

Quick Quiz: who came out financially ahead in the long run?

If you answered the job seeker that invested wisely in consulting with a professional resume writer, you are 100 percent correct! So, in summary, the question is not whether or not you can afford to write your own resume. The question is whether or not you can afford not to have it done properly.

The Future Of The Programmer Jobs Market

Computer programming has become one of the most underestimated directional tools of the global economy in the last decade. Programming is everywhere you look, from cellular phones to laptop computers to checkout counters. These programs, which look like nonsense to the lay-person, are vital for the basic functioning of any computerised equipment. As such, the programming professional is in high demand in the UK, Europe, and throughout virtually the entire world . However, it is important to look at trends that may influence the programmer job market in the future before diving head-first into a programming position.

One trend that is likely to influence the role of permanent computer programmers is the shift towards temporary and consultant positions on technological issues. Companies that already have in-house IT and programming departments may maintain only a small portion of their current staff in the future. It may hence be inferred that programmers are more likely to become employed as contractors as companies look to cut permanent payroll and maintain their bottom line. In order to prepare for this eventuality, it may be useful for a computer programmer to develop additional side interests, whether helping a local business with some IT issues or undertaking other private consulting work.

Irrespective of whether permanent jobs for computer programmers will suffer a decline, it is a virtual certainty that the increased intricacy of computing will require a constant re-education of veteran programmers. Computer programs and programming languages differ greatly from one another, even though they may share some basic elements. As technology advances and new generations of operating systems and languages become prevalent, there will be a need for programmers who are able to program in a variety of programming languages. The IT professional would be wise to keep abreast of technology and learn new skills as his or her career progresses rather than risk becoming a technical ‘dinosaur’.

To continue on the theme of on-going education, the most employable and versatile computer programmers in the future will be the ones who are able work in a variety of environments on a range of technology platforms. For example, telecommunications companies need programmers that can work on most or all of their projects. This includes wireless networking, data streaming, cellular phones, and other equipment that requires a broad range of knowledge. Indeed, companies may begin to expect computer programmers to become more broadly knowledgeable than in the past. However, computer programmers that are truly committed to their craft should not have a problem meeting that expectation. Their natural curiosity, hard work, and technical prowess can turn them into versatile programmers for the rapidly changing job market.

The Skills Need For Jobs In Information Technology

The area of information technology has been particularly buoyant for university graduates in the United Kingdom over the last ten years and more. Businesses of all sizes, have established their own IT departments in recognition of the need to utilise advances in technology in order to remain competitive and to ensure that their technical infrastructure is fit for purpose. The rapid expansion of information technology in the UK has not only meant a more vibrant economy but more jobs for IT graduates and young professionals with an eye for technology. However, while the job market may be strong for IT graduates, there are many challenges which need to be surmounted in order to succeed and advance in the industry.

IT professionals need to posses certain skills in order to rise above daily challenges. A knowledge of IT issues is a given pre-requisite in the competitive UK job market, but, in itself is not enough. Professionals need to go above and beyond the minimum prerequisites in order surpass the competition and achieve professional success.
A prime aptitude that is needed in IT jobs is the ability to think outside the box. This ability is often thought to be innate and something that a person cannot develop in the professional world. However, IT professionals who may not think that they can think creatively need to consider their past achievements. Students working on projects and programs in IT departments throughout the UK have probably often had to develop creative faculties of which they were originally unaware. These projects will also, no doubt, have required an ability to work with others in addition to the ability to create a program from scratch. IT professionals in the wider world likewise need to challenge their latent creativity in order to provide unconventional solutions for their employers.

In addition to creativity, a successful IT professional needs to be willing to stay updated on the latest trends in their field. Many consultants, designers, and software developers accomplish this by simply purchasing new consumer electronics and giving rein to their natural interest. However, a determined IT professional will go above and beyond these passive educational efforts by reading industry publications and online forums. In this way, they can turn their interest in technology into a tangible asset in the workplace.

Finally, IT professionals need to possess a strong and helpful work ethic in order to generate success. An IT consultant with some time on their hands may, perhaps, lend some support to colleagues, be this assisting a less experienced worker or providing in-depth expertise in a specific area. Also, IT professionals should show their commitment to the company in general by providing guidance and advice on the application of IT to other departments. By showing an active interest in the success of the department and the company, a professional ensures success for themselves.

Keeping Your Options Open With A Recruiting Agency

The importance of recruiting agencies in the current marketplace cannot be understated. Companies and corporations of all sizes work with recruiting agencies in order to meet their constant need for talented professionals. The automobile company that needs mechanical engineers will find that recruiting for these positions through advertisements can be quite costly and yield few results. A publishing firm that is looking for new editors and copywriters require a high standard of excellence that can only be achieved through a recruiting agency. Recruiting agencies that are successful achieve esteemed levels with companies by offering flexibility and dynamic recruiting options for their clients.

However, we must not forget about the professional. Graduates, young professionals, and experienced workers alike need recruiting agencies for a variety of reasons. Recruiting agencies, by and large, have an exclusive connection to their clientele. Graduates and professionals using these agencies can then work on promoting themselves instead of worrying about the competition. As well, agencies sometimes provide professional development, coaching, and assessment that are critical for the professional who wants to advance far in their field. In all, the successful professional starts their career on the right path with a recruiting agency.

The problem in the recruiting industry these days, however, is that there are too many specialized agencies. There are agencies devoted only to sales or specifically to engineering jobs or to a specific group of clients that excludes smaller businesses. Companies and employees alike find that working with these types of agencies may be good for a small percentage of people but they fail to meet the needs of the general working public.

There are plenty of agencies that are too set in their ways to be of any use to companies or employees. The question is why a company or employee who wants to grow in their own respects utilizes an agency that cannot adapt for an ever-changing job market. Certainly, the competition within the recruiting industry will eventually catch up to these recruiting agencies. However, both companies and professionals need to be leery of an organization without a dynamic approach to recruiting.

The ideal recruiter is one that recognizes the complimentary needs and goals of employers and employees. Agencies need to be at the forefront of their industry if they hope to service future leaders and industry giants. Companies and professionals alike need to find recruiting agencies that will not only meet their needs now but know how to meet their needs in the future.

Landing A Job In The Entertainment Field

When people think of the entertainment field, they immediately think of the glitz and glamor of the runway, the red carpet, and the movie premier. However, few people appreciate the vast business operations and logistics that go into making a movie or developing a television series. Indeed, young professionals who are interested in the entertainment field should consider using their practical skills in order to find a job. While the industry needs talented actors and singers, they also need skilled business, technical, and logistical staff to keep it functioning.

One of the most important aspects of the entertainment business comes from the business, financial, and legal departments. Movie studios and development firms need quality accountants in order to crunch the numbers and manage the large sums of pounds that go into entertainment projects. There is a need for funds management and financial professionals through studios and entertainment businesses, as the talent in the entertainment industry often invests in funds and other accounts promoted by the studio. As well, individual agencies representing singers and actresses need lawyers, legal staff, and financial planners in order to help their clients avoid legal issues and invest their money wisely.

Another important aspect of the entertainment industry is advertising and marketing. The ubiquitous commercials and magazine ads for movies and new music releases are put together by talented advertising professionals through entertainment firms. As well, marketing professionals are needed as liaisons between studios and advertisers. The rise in guerilla marketing and online promotions has meant a rise in the need for talented marketing and advertising professionals.

Finally, there is a need for technical professionals in order to facilitate the creative designs we see in television shows and movies. Set and costume designers combine their love of the artistic with the attention to detail needed in high budget projects. Camera people and those familiar with editing equipment make a movie possible.

It can be tough for young professionals to make their way in the entertainment field. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of young people from around the world that flock to studios in Europe, Asia, and the United States to fight for their chance. The best way for a talented professional to land a behind-the-scenes job in the entertainment industry is to work through a recruiting agency. Many studios, firms, and companies in entertainment work with agencies to find a steady stream of talented professionals. Professionals that want to gain the edge on their colleague and land their dream job in entertainment should work with a qualified recruiter.

Making Your Small Business Large Through Recruiting

For the millions of amateur inventors, entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking to make it big in the world economy, there are a number of obstacles in their way. As soon as someone turns an idea into a business model, they face competition from a variety of sources. There are usually small businesses that pop up to provide a cheaper alternative to a business owner’s product. Corporations will also recognize the success of a small business and market a similar product with their considerable advertising money. As well, the online marketplace means that a small business owner faces an uphill battle for attention in their specific corner of the market.

The competition is only one aspect of how difficult it can be to turn a small business into a success. The odds are not in the favor of a small businessman, with most small businesses faltering within a few years of opening. The narrow margins of profit and the various financial obligations that a small business has makes it difficult for an owner to feel comfortable with their financial situation for years on end. However, small business people should not let this information stop them from realizing their dream.

Successful small businesses have a number of factors working in their favor. The most important aspect of success early in a business’ life is the quality of product that is being produced. As well, the unique nature, the necessity, and the cost of a product can contribute to the success or failure of a small business. Small business owners who are successful often have a strong set of short, medium, and long term goals which push the company toward the top within their industry. Finally, a business model that ensures financial stability while producing a great product or products for years to come is the backbone of any successful business.

Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of small business is the recruitment of high quality professionals. These professionals can make or break a business, depending on their reliability, creativity, and commitment to the business. Small business owners should work with a recruiting agency in order to develop a strong set of personnel. Agencies can help owners target specific skill sets in their employees while saving them the expenses of excessive advertising and promotion. Small businesses can grow into big corporations or industry leaders through the use of creative recruiting methods and a commitment to excellence.

Recruiting Agencies On The Cutting Edge

The Internet, the decreasing cost of computers, and the ease of use in design software has meant that web sites of all types have become more elaborate and reliant on design for viewers. Even sites run by people without web development or design courses are beginning to resemble professionally assembled web sites. The recruiting industry and its leaders are no different and many agencies have turned to elaborate web design and interactive sites to draw in new recruits and corporate clients.

One of the tools used by recruiting agencies looking for the technological edge is Flash animation, particularly as a viewer clicks onto the website. Flash animation allows a number of different introductory options, from a scrolling message to an elaborate animation showing a cartoon person hard at work. While these animation pieces are not germane to the job search, they are a good way of marketing the skill and attention to detail at a particular agency.

Another technological tool used by recruiting agencies are updated job listings, ranging from simple boards like general job sites have to more interactive lists which can be narrowed down through an advanced search. These job listings are becoming a cornerstone in the recruiting field, as recruits and corporate clients want to combine the exclusive benefits of an agency with other benefits received through general job sites. As well, it is a good service to provide to recruits who are looking for the best job possible.

There are a number of other tools used through agency web sites that are meant to strengthen the bond with individual recruits. Some agencies have newsletters, e-mail alerts, and even phone text messaging services that can keep recruits in touch with their recruiter. These services typically keep a recruit updated on available jobs, industry news, and help build a community amongst individual recruits.

The most advanced recruiting agencies around are utilizing instant messaging and online customer support in order to make their services more applicable. Recruiters, trainers, and coaches at an agency can utilize any number of instant messaging services, sanctioned by their agency, in order to stay in touch with their recruits. As well, the use of online forums and recruiting chat rooms is a convenient way for busy professionals and recruits to find time to stay in touch. In all, recruiting agencies are beginning to resemble other businesses in developing technological solutions to meet 21st century demands.

Role of the Toolroom Manager

No matter where in the world you live, or in what kind of manufacturing environment you work, a toolroom manager is required. This is especially true in a company where a great deal of mechanical work is performed, as is the case with a machine shop, appliance shop, or even an automobile repair shop. Any time the need exists for tools, which is in nearly all manufacturing and repair environments, the need for a toolroom manager is important.

Though one might think that the workers are the most important components in the production and manufacturing industries, that is not always the case. That is not to undermine the role of the employees who do the actual work; however, it’s important to understand that these type jobs require certain tools in order for the worker to be able to perform his job. It doesn’t matter whether the tool is for the performance of the job itself, or if it’s a tool that the company uses in order to keep the production line running smoothly, it is of equal importance in assuring that the job runs smoothly and efficiently.

Of course, it is none other than the toolroom manager who is responsible for keeping the toolroom well stocked with necessary tools and parts that keep the workflow going. It’s important for the toolroom manager to know what is in stock as well as what may be needed on the floor so that he can make certain that no disruption in production or repair occurs because of a shortage of tools or parts for tools.

Although the toolroom manager’s job may vary slightly in the various work environments, the basic job of assuring that the toolroom is well stock will not vary. The difference with the job of the toolroom manager lies in the type of tools that may be needed and how those tools are used in the performance of the job. For example, the toolroom in a repair shop will differ from that of a production line, but the result is similar: tools with their replacement parts are necessary in order for the works to perform their assigned jobs. Only with an efficient and conscientious toolroom manager can a business maintain its level of efficiency, quality, and quantity of work. Without the cooperation of the toolroom manager and first line supervision, none of this is possible. The toolroom manager is important, but for him to perform his job efficiently, a team effort is required.

San Diego Dental Jobs Part One

As an San Diego job seeker searching for a fulfilling, rewarding, and lucrative new San Diego job, you should know that a career as a Dental Assistant will provide you with insight and first hand experience in all areas of Dentistry.

Dental Assistants work very closely with both dentists and hygienists to offer quality care to all patients. The duties you will perform as a Dental Assistant will vary depending on the dental office you work for. It will also depend on whether the dentist’s office is general dentistry or a specialized area of care.

Dental Assistants need to be detail oriented as well as patient and alert. They may have to sit for hours while a procedure is being completed or jump into the situation in an instant if an emergency occurs while the procedure is being conducted.

Typical tasks Dental Assistants need to perform include sterilizing instruments and preparing instrument trays for procedures. They also work closely with patients, taking dental and health histories. Depending on the procedures, vital signs of patients may be monitored by a Dental Assistant.

They also help document patient records, take X-Rays, and give patients information on follow up care. In some offices they also make impressions of teeth to assist with making casts for caps, crowns, and dentures.

Dental Assistants often work right along side the dentist and hygienist, making patients feel comfortable and prepping them for procedures. Assistants hand the dentist and hygienist instruments and materials, allowing them to remain focused on the patient throughout the procedure.

It is the job of the Dental Assistant to make sure the work station has all the necessary equipment and tools to complete each procedure to prevent delays and feelings of anxiety in patients.

In a pinch, Dental Assistants may be asked to assist with office duties including answering the phone, reminding patients of appointments, scheduling appointments, answering billing questions, and submitting insurance claims. It all depends on how your employer chooses to operate the dental office.

Dental Assistants generally work with dentists and hygienists in a clean, friendly environment that is well lit. Since the work chair side to the dentist and hygienist, Dental Assistants learn many avenues of proper dental procedures.

Knowing this, many Dental Assistants choose to further their education in the medical field. They may decide to pursue a career as a Dental Hygienist or as a Dentist. This will allow them to perform many of the procedures they have seen performed over and over again.

Watching this process will make their educational endeavor much easier as they will already have seen so many aspects of the dental field in action.

Another reason Dental Assistants choose to further their career is the difference in pay. Generally, Dental Hygienists earn 80% more than a Dental Assistant. Over time, that amount of money definitely adds up to quite a large difference. Dentists of course make much more money that the Dental Assistant and Dental Hygienist combined.

A career as a Dental Assistant allows you the unique and rewarding opportunity to participate in the dental field on many levels. You will not only have many responsibilities, you will first hand be up close to assist Dental Hygienists and Dentists perform the many different procedures that take place in a dental setting.

This ongoing training is the perfect learning tool to enable you to further your education with a solid foundation in the dental field to build on. Next, we’ll examine the training and education necessary to become a Dental Assistant.

3 Tips To Help The Over 40’s Get Back Into Work

There’s nothing worse than being out of work and, if you’re over 40, the impact can be greater especially if you encounter prospective employers who tend to overlook you in preference to younger applicants.

But don’t despair. Follow these three tips and you might find yourself back in work sooner than you anticipated.

1. Welcome The Employment Break

Most people’s immediate reaction to losing a job is to experience low esteem which is not a good feeling to have when job hunting. Instead accept that cradle to grave jobs are going the way of the dodo and that redundancy is a part of life that is inescapable. In fact, this may be your best opportunity to seriously consider what you want from life.

Perhaps you would prefer to have a complete change of direction. Remember that employers want you for your core skills rather than a particular job function, so changing direction is often quite feasible.

Maybe you qualify for an early pension so can afford to take a job that pays less but is more rewarding. You might want a job related to a hobby. Or you might want to work for a charity. Perhaps you were weighed down by responsibility in your previous role and would prefer something less taxing.

Perhaps you are fed up with the daily commute and would prefer a job that enabled you to work from home or at flexible times that enable you to enjoy other aspects of your life. What ever you decide it’s important to…

2. Get A Temporary Job

Approach temporary job agencies with a view to getting yourself a temporary job. Remember you have skills to offer that an employee may need quickly to fill a short-term vacancy. Maybe someone has taken extensive sick leave or has left unexpectedly.

Landing a job to fill someone else’s shoes at short notice is much easier than landing a permanent position. And it has it’s own advantages. It keeps you employed so you won’t get despondent. It keeps money coming in so you won’t fret about how to pay bills. Most importantly, it enables you to demonstrate your skills to your new employer and places you in the best position to be offered a permanent position.

3. Research Unadvertised Jobs

This is a great way to find a job not least because no one else may be aware of it so you won’t face the same level of competition. Keep abreast of what’s going on in your industry and look for opportunities. Maybe a company in your field is opening a new factory or warehouse or office or outlet where it is likely that your skills could be utilised.

Research on the Internet or by calling the company to find the name of the person heading the department that may unknowingly have a position that you could fill. Write to that person congratulating them on their company’s growth that necessitates a new factory or warehouse or office or outlet and say that you expect they will need to hire a person with your skills. Tell them in bullet points what those skills are and attach your resume.

Follow these three steps and you’ll find that losing a job need not be a traumatic experience. Indeed you can turn the situation to your advantage. In fact, it’s just the sort of situation that you might need in order to propel you into taking your life forward to its next exciting stage.

Nokia 8800: A Stylish Utility Device

Nokia is familiar for blending style with substance. Right from advanced technology, exciting multimedia options to fashionable design, Nokia phones spell elegance. Talk about Nokia 8800, and you are assured of high quality performance.

The high-end features of the handset include a built in digital music player with audio and video playback capabilities. The quality of the audio sound is simply superb. It supports different music formats including MP3 and AAC. Tune in to various music channels through its in-built FM radio. Nokia 8800 provides you with wonderful music anywhere anytime. What's more, you can play a wide variety of interesting ringtones on your device including polyphonic, MIDI, MP3 and AAC ringtones. The handset also features signature ringtones created by renowned composer Ryuichi Sakamoto. The memory capacity of the Nokia 8800 is 64MB which easily accommodates your music. So download all your favourite songs, make your own music library.

Get in touch with your friends in an instant through Instant messaging service. Share your media files through its easy-to-use messaging options including MMS and email features. The Nokia 8800 handset also features a 0.5 mega pixel SVGA camera which comes with video capture and 3D enhanced graphics. So take good quality pictures and video shots wherever you go. The high resolution TFT display is wide and clear enough to view your video clips. With high speed wireless connectivity provided by the handset, sharing your files has become much easier. You can transfer your songs and videos to other compatible devices using Bluetooth, EDGE, EGPRS and GPRS.

The Web browsing options in the Nokia 8800 including XHTML, TCP/IP and Mobile Wallet have made Internet easily accessible to you. So you can get connected to your dear ones from anywhere in the world. Enjoy interesting Java games, music videos, MP3 ringtones – download whatever you want from the net.Go for Nokia 8800 to get nonstop entertainment. For more information of Nokia Mobile PhonesPlease visit our site.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

JR SEOContest2008 is as support site for the official entry in the UK's SEOContest2008.

JR SEOContest2008 is as support site for the official entry in the UK's SEOContest2008.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Five Quick Tips For Getting Your Blog On The First Page Of Google

It is so easy to make money with a blog. Whether the purpose of your blog is to get traffic to your sales page or to sell affiliate products or to get Adsense clicks, getting your blog onto the first page of Google can be done quickly and easily.

Using the following quick tips you could get listed on the first page of Google for some keywords within a month or two, depending on how competitive your niche is. A video game site that followed these tips got on the first page of Google, in the fifth spot, for a popular search term when the site was less than one month old.

Here are the five quick tips for getting to the first page of Google:

1. Put some original content on your blog. Post at least once a day but not more than every two to three hours. It doesn't look good if you are posting every few minutes. Continue adding new content regularly. Some of the content can be duplicate content (from an article directory or private label rights articles) but the more original content the better.

2. When you have at least five posts with original content then submit your blog to Google's sitemap. It's not hard, and it only takes a few minutes. As long as you have a blog that looks authentic and is not filled with scraped content, this is a good start to getting noticed by Google.

3. Write some original articles and submit them to article directories such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleAlley, and SearchWarp. Do not submit more than one a day since it is better to not inundate the article directories or they might think you are spamming them. It is very important to have a good resource box with links back to your site.

4. Submit your RSS feed to at least fifty sites. This can be done in less than a couple of minutes using RSS Submit (RSSFeedsSubmit), a great piece of software that automatically submits your feed to more than fifty sites. The price is very reasonable (less than $50) but if you don't want to spend any money and would rather do it by hand, Robin Good sells a list of 55 RSS submission sites for a very small fee.

5. Get your URL link listed in as many places as possible. Submit your site to directories like DMOZ. Answer questions at and include your URL with your signature. Leave comments on blogs that are in a related niche to yours, again including your URL in the signature. Do a search with the phrase "keyword add url" and add your URL at sites that allow you to do it for free. "Keyword" would be replaced by one of your keywords for your niche. Submit your blog to Technorati. Submit your original posts to social bookmarking sites like Digg, Netscape, Redit, Plugim, and so on. Be sure to tell friends to vote for your submissions at the social bookmarking sites.

These five quick tips will give your blog a powerful boost and get your blog on the first page of Google in a very short time. Within days you should be getting traffic from Google as you rise in the search engines. And you did it with spending little or no money.


Mizunoz | Nikez | Adidaz | Skecherz | Pumaz | Calvein Kleinz | Moschinoz | Naturalizerz | D K N Y Z | Coclicoz | Onexz | Via Spigaz | Weebok Kidsz | Yellow boxz | Emericaz | Umi Kidsz | Miss Sixtyz | Ecco Golfz | Olukaiz | Tommy Bahamaz | Converse Kidsz | Kaylandz | Jumping Jacksz | Tatamiz | Daniel Greenz | Nine Westz | Fratelliz | Dickiesz | Fly Flotz | Gravatiz

Earning Money With A Blog

The way to earn serious cash or top dollar from any Adsense blog is to have plenty of useful content spread out over numerous pages.

Content is what will attract and maintain high traffic figures at your blog. The problem with many blogs that aspire to reach the top ranks is that they do not have enough content. It is very important that the content is original if the content is not original it and duplicated it will go into the supplemental search results. . Different blog publishers have different types of content and objectives, just like e-zine publishers do. Once you have a blog, you want to expose it to the right audience. A good way to do this is by making comments on other people's blogs whose content is related to your content.

Here is one blog secret that can make a huge difference, no matter how low the current traffic to your blog site is. Everyone is talking about content to attract search engine robots and human internet users, but just having content is not enough you need relevant unique content that can possibly help or inform a internet user, by doing this internet users will recommend the site to others.

Tags are actually another name for keywords. Nearly all Internet users understand that keywords are the words that the surfers type into search engines to find what they're searching for on the Internet. The way the Adsense program is, certain keywords will attract better paying per click rates than others. Secondly using popular keywords will also attract lots of traffic to your blog via search engines. Creating back links with your researched keywords can result in much higher search engine rankings.

Make sure that all links are working properly; visitors tend to look and click on links to get more information on a subject. Because blogs are generally updated more frequently than a website, it can help you to build a relationship with your customers and visitors. Visitors will come to your blog of their free will to read your newest content of choice, giving you a higher ratio of targeted visits. Another simpler and less expensive way to do and the way that I recommend is to write the content yourself. One of the best way to promote and market your blog is to get others to link to it.

Using keywords and keyword phrases on you blogs helps increase your earnings by targeting the adsense ads to those specific keywords, so it doesn't matter if there is low traffic or high traffic if you don't have each page optimized it the ads will not generate the kind of money you are looking for. Another way to capitalize on your blog traffic is to offer the readers more than just advertising-offer them solutions.

The secret to earning good money is displaying high paying keywords on your site which will in return lead to high payouts per click on your site. The bots will read the the theme of your pages and serve you with ads that match the contents of your page.


Mizunoz | Nikez | Adidaz | Skecherz | Pumaz | Calvein Kleinz | Moschinoz | Naturalizerz | D K N Y Z | Coclicoz | Onexz | Via Spigaz | Weebok Kidsz | Yellow boxz | Emericaz | Umi Kidsz | Miss Sixtyz | Ecco Golfz | Olukaiz | Tommy Bahamaz | Converse Kidsz | Kaylandz | Jumping Jacksz | Tatamiz | Daniel Greenz | Nine Westz | Fratelliz | Dickiesz | Fly Flotz | Gravatiz

Engine Optimization Professional Search Services

Michigan Seo Company:
Well life is really about moving from one problem to another. The Dollars and Cents of SEO: Perhaps the most compelling reason not to exclude SEO from your online marketing strategy comes down to dollars and cents. In an attempt to quantify the business case for SEO I have gone back and done some analysis on three recent SEO engagements and the results they achieved. I chose ecommerce clients that we had optimized and reviewed their average sales before and after SEO was implemented. In two of the situations the only change made was the optimization of the site. In another the optimization occurred at the same time we implemented a PPC campaign. In the first two cases the store sales rose 64% and 75% after the SEO was implemented. In the third case the store revenue actually went up a staggering 169%, but if you back out the sales that were a result of the PPC campaign, the store revenue that could be attributed to SEO improved by 49%. In other words, the average improvement in store revenue that was apparently due to SEO was 62%. There are many techniques hereby starting a home based internet business can become a pleasure to conduct

As Web Site Design And Search Engine Optimization:
So how to go about it? Are there any softwares available to do the SEO? Yes! there are several SEO softwares available in the market. If you have great content and decent SEO techniques, you're webs site should do pretty well in the search engines. If you have SEO stuffed pages full of garbage keyword phrases, sooner or later, you're gonna pay the price. There are too many billions of dollars at stake for cheap tricks to raise search engine rankings for long. Combine great content with great SEO instincts and bang... you're website traffic will skyrocket. Here are some common tips, you may have heard, but are worth repeating. Website Design - SEO Strategy So while planning for search engine copywriting you need to take care of the density of keyword usage in contents. promotion software search engine strategy seo

Web Site Promotion Search Engine Optimization:
Add to that the fact that even Google can take up to 8 weeks to locate any particular link means that a properly conducted SEO campaign should be expected to take place over a six-month period to ensure proper results. Links are important and maintaining good incoming links with your keywords will get you good rankings. seo search engine submission service web site optimization There are many theories of how search engines and search engine optimization (SEO) initially began

Web Design Search Engine Optimization
Other SEO guidelines prohibit offering different content to search engines than your visitors. The Benefits of SEO Training: The primary advantage of SEO Training is that it gives you access the SEO techniques you can apply yourself to achieve for a fraction of the cost of using an SEO consultant. As such SEO Training is an effective and affordable way to achieve high search engine rankings. SEO Training helps small businesses learn basic SEO skills to enhance the visibility of their websites in the search engines. There are a number of benefits offered by SEO Training. SEO training provides your company and its staff with an understanding of the issues involved with, and the techniques required for, successful SEO. This means that SEO training will allow you and your company to optimize your website internally rather than paying a consultant to do it for you. promotion software search engine strategy seo There are many techniques hereby starting a home based internet business can become a pleasure to conduct.


Mizunoz | Nikez | Adidaz | Skecherz | Pumaz | Calvein Kleinz | Moschinoz | Naturalizerz | D K N Y Z | Coclicoz | Onexz | Via Spigaz | Weebok Kidsz | Yellow boxz | Emericaz | Umi Kidsz | Miss Sixtyz | Ecco Golfz | Olukaiz | Tommy Bahamaz | Converse Kidsz | Kaylandz | Jumping Jacksz | Tatamiz | Daniel Greenz | Nine Westz | Fratelliz | Dickiesz | Fly Flotz | Gravatiz

PRIDE and HONOR on the SEOContest2008

It is nearly 3:00 in the morning and my eye lids slowly close down little by little but I am still trying to fight it just to make my blog a competitive like the other blogs which were also registered in the UK’s recently launched Search Engine Optimization Contest or more popularly known as SEOContest2008.

Well, honestly, this is my first time to join the contest. I have been observing my friends, Gio and Philip joining different contest in the country and also watch them receive their awards winning home as champions. I am also aiming for that and I am still optimistic that I will be learning something in this SEOContest2008.

But, perhaps some may ask what will be the prize when someone wins the competition. For me, the best answer I could give is that, in this SEOContest2008, it is not actually the money which is important. What matter most is the experience and learning you will get upon participating on the aforementioned activity. This will give us (we the contestants), a chance to broaden our ideas and widen our imaginations by trying to figure out on how to optimize our website using the keyword given. At the same time, PRIDE and HONOR is priceless. That would probably be the main goal of every participants like me to have.

I know that there are tough competitors who already have their experiences but I will still stick on my belief, that nothing is impossible as long as you believe that you can do it. Anyway, to us believers and achievers, impossible is not part in our dictionary list.

So, to my fellow participants, I wish you all good luck and see you around. Make your best on the SEOContest2008.

SEOContest2008 Unfinished Post for JR SEOContest2008 Blog

It was a tiring day for me yesterday. I spent all day and all night long writing articles for my websites and it took my time and still not able to finish all my pending jobs. My eyes almost blurted due to the 18 hours exposure from the computer screen. It was really a productive and strenuous day yesterday.

I was supposed to write a post in my JRSEOContest2008 blog which I used as my entry in the UK’s SEOContest2008. I was not able to do that anymore because I could hardly open my eyes last night, which was about 3:45 in the morning. This is my first time to join a contest like this but I find it challenging and interesting.

This morning, I check the rankings in Google if my blog is already listed in the pages if I type in the keyword SEOContest2008. I am very glad to see that after a day, I am already part of the list. Yes, it is really good to see beating up other participants just after few hours of preparation. This SEOContest2008 is really giving me a bump and I am really challenge on how will do about my skills in terms of search engine optimization.

Again, good luck to each of the participants on the SEOContest2008.